Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nonsensical idiosyncrasies of the world (uh, maybe mine)

So, here we are, with the one and only aim to analyze the odd and unreasonable ways of world (yup, the simple worded title). Jumping right into it, have you ever been attacked by the forceful clasping act of others - The Hug! I don't understand why would anyone want to be hugged or worse - why would anyone want to hug another person?? I mean, bears hug! even when they fight!! But we are humans. It's quite common to see in movies, for a heroine to ascend up to heaven when hero touches her. That's bullshit! Genuinely, her hair would stand out like the cat's in the picture. Simply put, i would say "ban hugging!" and live happily ever after in the quiet, well secluded personal space, equipped with a sharp spear to plunge through anyone who comes nearer than a meter's distance.

Then, the world's second most important thing to change would be swearing. The 2 most common profanities in the place i currently reside are f*** & a******. My concern is they are not hurting, rather just plainly disgusting. Why do people forget the wonderful, elegant, wholesome and rich words like maniac, wacko, iDiot (note the stress in D), leech, whimper-er, repellant, glutton, sadist, loser! No no, i'm not cursing you. I mean, words like leech or glutton could make a person writhe in pain in and out! (sigh).. Hopefully, someday the world would be at par with me. 

Though there is a book full of things i would want to be changed or implemented in this world, i would just say one more and publish the rest in my book. We all like to walk and talk with people who walk along with us, which is quite normal. If we happen to walk alone, why shouldn't we talk? We have a lot of things going on in our mind. Wording them out, is just another way of expressing our thoughts. This is what i call self-talking, talking to oneself. It's not crazy, it's completely reasonable and understandable. In fact, if there is a crisis situation which you have to discuss and analyze, while there is no one to talk to - you can simply put a meeting with you, you and maybe also you. See! a three person meeting is arranged with no resources wasted. I'll tell you another instance. You want to make fun of somebody, but it is offensive to ridicule that person in front of another person. So you ridicule the person talking just to you and have a laugh riot hearing it for yourself. No one is hurt, you had a fun time and you would laugh in your head the next time you come across that person. Win -win! Hence, i suggest just like how talking over the mobile phone is accepted, talking to oneself aloud also should be accepted, embraced and appreciated!


  1. A Hug is an amazing feeling, and I tell the heroine elevated to heaven thing does happen. There are also other feelings. A Mother's hug is different from a sister's hug is different from a friend's hug is different from a girlfirend's (or boyfriends' ) hug. I can clearly see that you haven't received ( or given a proper ) Hug :P. But ya things do happen.

    Scientifically there are many research groups who work on positive effects of Haptic communication ( expressions using touch ). Some recent work ->

  2. Loved the post!! 1. Hugging is sort of awkward to me after all these years... 2. It does hurt to see people use the f-word just for the sake of it... 3. It is fun to talk to yourself... Usually the dark one delivers the rant and the good one mocks back...

