Saturday, December 10, 2011

To write.

‘The first key to writing is to write, not to think!’ said the leading old actor in the film I just saw out of pure coincidence. The actor is Sean Connery. I’ve always liked him for his white hair, that gives this angelic appearance to him. When I write, I try to use some of the beautiful words that are not used in the mundane usage and end up searching in the wordweb for a sophisticated alter words using the thesaurus for a simple word. I’ve off late observed that the process of perfecting my writing in the nascent stage distracts my thought process while writing. And with this general analysis in my mind, when I came to see this one particular video clip from the movie “Finding Forrester”, I got inspired to write some bull shit and start enhancing my writing skills. Coming to think of it, I pity the people to whom I write this, as they get to read all these mumblings and ramblings. But I wouldn’t exactly empathize that feeling much because, it is of common knowledge that you actively chose to read it. So here I am penning my thoughts, while hearing this song, 

The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky – they are much prettier when a kid points  it to you in a bus ride and you have nothing to do, but to join the kid, enjoy the moment and be happy for the beautiful dispersion of colors in the sky.

You know what I like the most? To be sitting alone comfortably, hearing a song, enjoying the music thoroughly, now and then really hearing the words, chanting them randomly.

What a wonderful world – Yes it absolutely is! Wide and clear sky, Planes flying in the distant far sometimes fooling the eye by appearing like a shining shooting star, Cold air breezing and making the chill being felt even in your deep gutter, sense of unboundedness of dreams and unquenchable pure confidence of the youth. Why wouldn’t the world be beautiful for me?!