Friday, January 25, 2013


The season has changed. Bitter cold has given way to gentle breeze with drizzles. A change, which i really wished for, had set, giving the sense of liberation. If this minute change in weather, which has happened for countless times before, matters this much - a change in belonging, giving the first complete sense of freedom from the toils of many a decades, couldn't be expressed with merely "cliched patriotic" words.

To imagine oneself being at the precise moment of "26th of January 1950", feeling the freedom as an Indian, feeling the confidence in the change of ways and truly believing a brilliant and bright future - How i wish to be in that state of ecstasy! But it doesn't end there. As it is well known and said "With great power comes great responsibility", every Indian would have felt the heaviness of the freedom they have earned. A constitution was drafted by the best of minds, with the best of intentions. Political principles, duties and rights were assimilated from many other existing constitutions and adapted to the rich and diverse India, making the first ever draft of our very own Indian constitution. It seems to be no less than the birth of a beautiful child. Yes, Our India!

Today, when i fill forms declaring my nationality as Indian, a subconscious pride arises. The tri-color flag seems very much a part of my being, much like the part of my mother, father and brother. Especially, when living in a Foreign land, every distress and slighting over my nation's dignity, seems unbearable and unacceptable. It is true that there have occurred many a distressing mishaps in the past. Though I am not responsible for those mishaps, I am responsible to not have prevented it. I believe the solution for the problems, comes from taking the responsibility over it and trying to overcome them, though in however small measure it might seem. After all, with great power comes great responsibility. My ancestors have won the power of freedom for me and now it is my duty to conserve and protect it.

With all my heart, i wish to utter the same word said by many brave hearts on this same day - Vande Mataram!!!


  1. To be frank there is no integrity, liberty, democracy or even republic left in India now to be even get in mood to celebrate. Its like what Nazzer said at pongal. I am not in mood to celebrate when Indians have lost the idea and nature of being Indian.

    India requires a second independance !

    1. What u said is a truly prevailing sentiment on India by Indians, Ragav. But think about it, WE are India. We can see our failures through incidents like Delhi gang rape, 2G spectrum scam and many other. Still, we have re-kindled our unity and want for ones rights, through anti-corruption movements and protests. More the movements and realizations strike in a bigger scale, the better we shall make our way towards the solutions. And, for that, it is essential for us to feel the importance of our freedom and celebrate our Indian nation. Dont you think so?

      As u say, if it is a second independence that we require, it is the ambitions of the first Independence that is going to remind us for the second one. Also, i feel, unless we truly care for our India by accepting its flaws, we cannot correct them.

  2. Again, I would like to disagree. "We have re-kindled our unity" - The protesting and changing facebook profile pics are NOTHING compared to what we have to do. India is currently moving towards capitalism in terms of the mentality of people. Everyone want themselves to be happy and satisfied.

    This is not just about isolated events. The country is rotting in general. Frankly speaking, I wonder if there can ever be a way out.


      Inspirations and beliefs as strong as in the link above still exists. Capitalism is one among the characteristic of a human. If we are able to curtail it to a lesser degree, profit for the public will increase. In fact, like Capitalism there are so many other things we have to address and find a solution for. All being said, change is something constant and it is science that there is always a solution. All we need is the confidence in ourselves to try to find the solution.

    2. Ragav,

      1. Capitalism is not bad: It is just another way of life.. Personally it is better than pure communism... And until the day we have utopia on earth and a World President we will have to put up with one or the other..

      2. There is no harm in wanting to be happy and satisfied as long as it is not at the expense of somebody else's happiness. As Ayn Rand says 'Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.'


  3. Ofcourse. I agree with your last statement. : We need confidence in ourselves.
