Monday, October 19, 2009

To Eat... (part-2)

          After mixing the best combination possible with the dishes, i have to intake them. This is another big work being done.
         The process of digestion is quite a tedious one. After putting the food in my mouth, i've gotta chew & chew & chew using as much saliva secretion as possible to make it to a sticky state. Then swallow it through the long wind pipe & push it into the stomach, where all sorts of gastric juices are secreted & the acidic reaction of the semi-soluble food starts.
          After this process, all the energy & fat that can be used by the body are taken & the rest are excreted after many treatments of filtration (which i think would become too much if described)
          Although, i always have some doubts regarding this digestion process... Hoping that u would try to resolve my incertitudes, i enlist them as follows...
  • The chewing we do in our mouth can be considered as the priliminary stage of digestion. How do we realise that the food we are chewing has reached its state to be swallowed before swallowing?
  • How did we learn to chew for the first time when we were young?
  • Is it possible that people have different chewing time? ie., does some chew the same quantity of food for a long time compared to others?
  • Sometimes when we swallow the food (like curd rice) without chewing, it wouldnt upset the stomach. Still the normal digestion & excretion process takes place. In that case, what kinds of food would be suitable to swallow without chewing (excluding fluids ie.,)?
  • Energy crisis is prevailing in this world. If our body can convert the food into energy, cant we find some ways to tap the energy & use it for compensating the energy crisis?
  • Since eating involves such elaborate process, cant we just have some pills which would give energy & subdue hunger? By this process a lot of energy for food processing can be conserved & there wont be any need to grow vegetables or livestocks...
          This sounds a bit crazy right? i know.. The thought of having to take pills thrice a day is quite nauseating. But im pushed to think of all these things because, i find the whole eating process to be more complicated. Wish it is more simple & easy!            


  1. u could be the biology teacher u know.. n its a pity tht u took engineering..
    1. u need not realise tht.. u answered this ques in q4.. we chew to get the taste.. for digetion we can directly swallow..

    2.tht is one of the involuntary actions.. its similar to the questions how do we know to blink.. how do we know to stand up or walk?brain is one complex shit and thts wat they are tryin to figure out nw.. the things which are taken for granted.. best frnd eats 1 dosa in 1hr.. it seems he wants to enjoy the taste of the food as much as he can and not just gobble..

    4.ur wish.. u can swallow anythin.. even chewing gum.. lol..

    5. ah.. didnt u see the matrix trilogy?? one of the best movies.. i think in part 2 they show machines which suck the bio energy or the heat radiating from humans by enclosing their bodies in some kind of containers..whereas the mind/brain is programmed to be living in the matrix.. who knows research might be goin on..

    6.its just that not all pple are like u.. every1 loves food and likes to taste different dishes.. jus think suppose we implemnt ur policy.. farmers, food manufacturing industries, chefs,waiters all would go unemployed.. already half of india is u want the rest to go unemployed as well??
    energy conservation so drastic like this is not needed nw..

    neways enjoyed reading and commenting..

  2. cha how simple your thoughts are. and people keep complicating

  3. sorry for the inconvenience in commenting.. as im a rookie to this blogging stuff, i sothapified some settings i suppose by mistake..
    @vishnu -
    3. wow! eating 1 dosa for 1 hr.. i would like to know who makes those dosas 4 ur friend..
    6. Anyways in future i believe that things are going to become more automatic & machine oriented rather than being manual. We've gotto face the unemployment problem anyhow..
    & thanks for ur patience in commenting for my queries.. :)
    @soin - however simple things might seem, they really might not be that simple. World is a complex mass which has many mysteries within it yet to be solved...
