Monday, November 2, 2009

International trade - contd.

          What i was trying to tell by being both good & bad is that, we can never characterize a person completely. No one is basically bad or good. We all do mistakes & rectify them. We all are the same. The percentile of a particular character in a person is never fully apprehensible. We humans are pretty complex by nature. Whatever we do, how much ever - hero, villain or sidekick kind of character we might be in a situation, it proves nothing. The roles we play in our lives are boundless & infinite. Anything that is finite ie., the knowledge we possess, when compared to the infinite ie., the rest of the knowledge yet to be acquired, will become nothing ie., zero. This is fairly a basic math equation, (x / infinity) = 0.
          So what i've been trying to tell by all these explanations is that, i simply hate it when someone describes themselves with a particular character (eg.: brave, knowledgeable, affectionate, etc..) for i know that they also possess the anti-characters of what they have mentioned (eg.: shy, ignorant, detesting someone, etc..). So the next time you wanna say about yourself better think twice. Or you could just say whatever you feel like, who cares? After all, whatever you say or do is just gonna sum upto a nothing - '0' somehow, while being compared with the rest you could have said - infinity.


  1. maybe u should try and write a sop to some american

    1. ha ha.. was just reading thru the old times & stumbled upon this comment. Quite odd, the ways of life! :)

  2. uhh.. u make me remember my old dream of pursuing GRE. I've abandoned it for a while.. anyways, thanks for ur advice. I will give an attempt for it soon..

  3. good 1.. only 1 percentile worries me now.. its jus that soin wants a sop.. do write it for him...

  4. hey paavam pa.. let him atleast urupudufy...

  5. oh.. dormant mode?? same here..
    all the best for ur exams..
