Sunday, November 1, 2009

International trade

          We watch movies which has a variety of characters being portrayed. But its interesting to observe the fact that we would have been all of these characters in some part of our lives. To say more clearly, we have a part of all the characters being emphasized in a movie. Just like a heroine/ hero, we sometimes stand for justice, help others and revolutionize; like a sidekick, help the hero with advices & support and be the reason for some of the situations to arise without our knowledge; like a villian, sometimes fall for greed & pride, express contempt for others & also plot (times at which the human brain is used most articulately), etc..
          Truth is, u cannot refuse any of the above. Probably you could say that you exhibit some of the characters more frequently & some others scarcely. But you still be them all at some point of time which cannot be disregarded. Let me illustrate this fact by stating some examples..
  • You have a colleague in your workplace, whom you are jealous of for sometime. So one day, you hide an important file which he should submit in the upcoming meeting, resulting in the colleague being fired by your boss, for not having been responsible & incurring losses to the company.
  • You travel in a bus & there is a passenger standing aside you with a heavy bag while you are sitting. The person wishes that you would be kind enough to have his bag for sometime, but is reluctant to ask it straight. You know very well whats in his head, yet you feel "Why should i bear someone else's weight? After all i paid for my seat & i have all the right to occupy the seat for myself alone".
          The latter situation might seem to be a mere one & less negative of a character than the first one. But still, the feel of contempt for another individual appeared in your mind & had its effect on the victim, which is not retractable at any cost. Similarly,
  • You have an acquaintance in your office (Note: not a friend) & have heard of some rumour that that person is having some a hard time, being financially bankrupt. When he reluctantly approaches you for help with some reasonably high amount, you help him with the atmost you could do knowing that the person is basically of good nature.
  • You go to your garden & notice a cockroach crawl a couple of feet ahead of you. You detest cockroach to the core & yet you just let it go off without stamping & killing it.
          Both the above situations, however significant or insignificant they might seem, it portrays the kindness & care you have for others (i hope u didnt stamp the cockroach to death coz you wanted to appreciate the value of life & not coz you were lazy & planning to kill it anyways, along with its peers using a repellant sooner or later). What i am trying to say here is............. I shall tell later.

P.S.: Oops! let me warn you. You are not going to find anything related to the topic here. Think its a bit late for that now. You must have guessed that by now... Just that i felt like giving some hideous title ;-)


  1. u itself told both the negative and positive side..anyways there is adayar bakery in lv road.near that you get very good bajji bakoda and all..fcorz this is unrelated

  2. nice.. i can relate to the 2nd one very well.. i always give my seat to aged pple and of course physically challenged.. i never and will ever give my seat to aunties who are fat(most of them are u know).. once a poor aunty asked me for my seat.. i first gave a lecture on equality.. that didnt work.. so then gave her nice advice that if she stands her weight may reduce.. am not gonna narrate wat happened after that.. but for some reason i knew that all the gents sitting behind and front wanted to come and say "son, we're proud of u.."

  3. @soin - have u ever had bajji with coffee, ie., having bajji after dipping it in hot coffee... i've tried it... its realy amazing...

    @vishnu - ha ha.. wish i could see those proud faces of the gents..
    Once i let an aunty who seemed really poor (mostly i've seen them making a living on the road side.. donno how they r called as) to sit aside me.. though there were many single seats available, no one wanted her to sit aside.. after sometime, everyone in the bus had a strange look on their faces.. felt a bit odd.. but the small boy with that aunty was looking really cute.. i played with him while travelling..

  4. wats odd in that.. manasu suthama irundha podhum.. free..

    @reply to soin.. agha..thripium arambhituteengala.. food combination okay.. colour combination dan konjam mokka.. both brown..

  5. hmm.. how do u think this combination will be - banana dipped in coffee.. white with brown..
