Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mission abort

There are sometimes when u feel that the whole world is wrecking into pieces and everything is not the way it is supposed to be. Im in one such situation. My mom has gone to her native leaving me incharge of the house. Every time when i get to be the housekeeper, i feel like having a constant ping in the stomach from that moment till she arrives back. The very thought that its me who has to answer the next call or open the door when someone knocks makes me totally restless.
Yet, there are many hilarious occasions during this "incharge" work. In the morning, i had to go to the terrace to take some dry clothes. When i first opened the terrace grill gate, felt there was something wrong in the atmosphere. I just took a few steps & a couple of crows appeared & started to caw unusually loud. As i just waited for a few minutes to observe, many crows started appearing. I got a bit scared to walk across the terrace, so returned back. Then i asked my bro to fetch the clothes for me narrating what happened there. After listening, he ridiculed me on being afraid of crows (muttering it should be the other way round) & went to the terrace. After some time i heard a lot of noices (probably he was trying to throw something at the crow to frighten it off) & returned empty handed with a grim on his face (There goes his heroism act, flying in the air. Its my time to ridicule him now. Aha!). Then, we both decided to go together & accomplish the task. We tried to shoo it off by making sounds which didnt prove effective. So we decided to throw something near the bird such that it wont hit it, but would frighten it. We started with small things like plant's twigs, clibs, etc., & nothing seemed to work. In a haste, my bro took an empty deodrant bottle & threw aiming at it, which passed very nearer to the crow & landed at the hospital present at the back of my house. We both rushed downstairs, hearing someone yelling at the backyard of the hospital.
After half an hour we went to the terrace & found that the crow was still in the same place with its peers flying above the terrace. Also, we found something else too - the deodrant bottle which we threw along with a couple of empty platic drip bottles. Then, we realised the best thing to do for that time is - "Mission abort".


  1. clearly kaka vadai sutta kathai pathi neenga yosikala..oru biscuit thooki potundha yelam athuku

  2. Well.. actually i later learnt that a crow was trying to safeguard a younger one, which was not able to fly.. so until the young crow starts flying, its going to be difficult to go to the terrace..
    like u said, naalaiku oru biscuit'a thooki pottu enna aguthu'nu paakuraen..

  3. agha.. sema comedy.. y is it that always in a family with a boy and a girl.. the girl is always afraid of something and the boy always teases her with the same thing.. even my sister is afraid of the dark and u dont hav to ask whether i tease her.. everytime my dad has to bring her bicycle inside the house for safety.. tsk tsk..

  4. and y cant i see any comment on ur eating part-2??

  5. @vishnu - however the girl in a family is afraid of something & is teazed for it frequently, the boy in the family also sometimes (or mostly many times in my case) does dumb things or something wrong & gets blackmailed 4 it constantly..
