Sunday, July 7, 2013


Very commonly, a stirring song, can create thoughts. Too good, that you would want to pen them down. Such a song is Dreamworld and thoughts created are here for you.

My dreamworld. It's a pleasant place with cool warmly winds brushing by. Earth fresh, trees tall and air humid. A clear sky in the mid day makes sweat drops arise on the skin. A gushing air chills from within. Uneasiness exists only to make the coming of good feel pleasurable.

The scene looks different every time. It's the change that gives the familiarity. There are no extremes. No hysterics, no anger, no laughter, no sadness. Just pleasant smiles. Constant and unwavering. Peace exists here. No one cares of time. There is no trouble. It just feels right the way it is. Nothing is still. There is always a smooth flow. So smooth, it looks to be still from far.

There is no hunger. I graze my hand over the grasses. Each strand and tip tells it is itself and unique. A fresh energy flows from the touch. Gravity is loved. Lying on the ground, gives the feeling of being one with all.

Sky.. It's just there. Everywhere. In a dark night, the bright stars gleefully shimmer. A shooting star strides across the sky occasionally. The rest, dance elegantly in the big dark sky. The way they are, it always seems anew. It feels like hearing stories from eons back. Gives a feeling it is all about me, but from the distant past. 

A dawn begins, breaking across the dark sky. Stars go for their rest. A redness spreads everywhere. Eyelids heave mild, easily drooping. A picture that i can drink to my heart-full. No stops. No frames. Existence blended into everything. Life feels contented, comfortable - my dreamworld.

P.S.: In the picture is my favorite old broken coffee mug. Just like my dreamworld, it has its own character, that just can't be replaced by any other.